GKS 2024 i.e Global Korea Scholarship 2024 for Undergraduate Programs is open now (both for bachelor’s and associate’s degrees). This year 262 students from all around the world will be invited under this scholarship (previously called as KGSP Scholarship) to study in Korea for free. In this post, you will find the available fields of study for GKS 2024 undergraduate programs.
You can find detailed information about the GKS Scholarship and How To Apply by visiting the link below.
Available Universities for GKS-2024
Here is a list of the available universities. Please note that each track, (Embassy Track and University Track) will have a certain number of universities from this list, so make sure to read the universities available for each track at the bottom of this article.
No. | University Name | No. | University Name | No. | University Name |
1 | Ajou University | 20 | Inie University | 39 | Semyung University |
2 | Busan University of Foreign Studies | 21 | Jeju National University | 40 | Seokyeong University |
3 | Chonnam National University | 22 | Jeonbuk National University | 41 | Seoul National University |
4 | Chung-Ang University | 23 | Kangwon National University | 42 | Seoul National University of Science and Tech. |
5 | Chungbuk National University | 24 | Keimyung University | 43 | Shinhan University |
6 | Chungnam National University | 25 | Kongju National University | 44 | Silla University |
7 | Daegu University | 26 | Konkuk University | 45 | Sogang University |
8 | Daejeon University | 27 | Konyang University | 46 | Sookmyung Women’s University |
9 | Dong-A University | 28 | Kookmin University | 47 | Soonchunhyang University |
10 | Dongguk University | 29 | Korea University | 48 | Sun Moon University |
11 | Dongseo University | 30 | KOREATECH | 49 | Sunchon National University |
12 | Duksung Women’s University | 31 | Kyungbok University | 50 | Sungkyunkwan University |
13 | Ewha Womens University | 32 | Kyunghee University | 51 | Sungshin Women’s University |
14 | Gyeongsang National University | 33 | Kyungpook National University | 52 | TECH University of Korea |
15 | Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | 34 | National Korea Maritime and Ocean University | 53 | UNIST |
16 | Hannam University | 35 | Osan University | 54 | University of Seoul |
17 | Hanyang University | 36 | Pai Chai University | 55 | Yeungjin University |
18 | Hose University | 37 | Pukyong National University | 56 | Yeungnam University |
19 | Inha University | 38 | Pusan National University | 57 | Yonsei University |
Available Fields of Study for GKS 2024
Click the university’s name to find out the available fields of study at that particular university for the GKS 2024 Undergraduate.
- Ajou University
- Busan University of Foreign Studies
- Chonnam National University
- Chung-Ang University
- Chungbuk National University
- Chungnam National University
- Daegu University
- Daejeon University
- Dong-A University
- Dongguk University
- Dongseo University
- Duksung Women’s University
- Ewha Womens University
- Gyeongsang National University
- Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- Hannam University
- Hanyang University
- Hose0 University
- Inha University
- Inje University
- Jeju National University
- Jeonbuk National University
- Kangwon National University
- Keimyung University
- Kongju National University
- Konkuk University
- Konyang University
- Kookmin University
- Korea University
- Kyungbok University
- Kyunghee University
- Kyungpook National University
- National Korea Maritime and Ocean University
- Osan University
- Pai Chai University
- Pukyong National University
- Pusan National University
- Semyung University
- Seokyeong University
- Seoul National University
- Seoul National University of Science and Tech.
- Shinhan University
- Silla University
- Sogang University
- Sookmyung Women’s University
- Soonchunhyang University
- Sun Moon University
- Sunchon National University
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Sungshin Women’s University
- TECH University of Korea
- University of Seoul
- Yeungjin University
- Yeungnam University
- Yonsei University
Applicants can only apply to the universities and departments that are listed in the “University Information” file attached under the GKS Notice post in Study in Korea website
(www.studyinkorea.go.kr > Scholarships > GKS Notice)
- For the official GKS notice, please check Study in Korea’s Official Website: https://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/en/main.do
You can download the important documents by clicking the following links:

90 replies on “Fields of Study For GKS 2024 Undergraduate”
Hi i wont to study kore
can i ask you some questions?
IELTS required or not??
Not mandatory
Undergraduate Course will be taught in English or Korean ??
I want all course information
Undergraduate course will be English or korean
Maybe English
It will be thought in Korean that’s why you take 1 year of Korean proficiency
I want to ask that when we apply for bachelor then the courses we will sturdy will be taught in English or korean language and books or notes we will study for our four years bachelor programme will be published in English or korean language?
Look 3 years course 1 year korean language and 2year choosen education.
Heyy this year I will give my 12th board soo can I apply
I am in 12 too
I am also giving the 12th board exam so i want to ask if i can apply for under graduate or not?
Same here
I want to study in Korea on scholarship. I wish i got scholarship from korean university I’ll be thankful
For this scholarship what profession is suitable . I am in 10th grade right now.
you can study whatever field you like but if you want you can check what are the best courses the university that you want provides on their official website
Am waiting for your response.
Can u tell me the courses for commerce student for gsk
Is there any course for arts student???
I’m also a commercial student and I can’t seem to find the course
I only passes 10th from india in 2020 so do I have chance?
Noo after 12 you can apply
O can’t apply it why?
Hello Everyone !
I hope you all are well . I wanna to study in korea . Is anyone here who guide me about this scholarship criteria mean when I apply for scholarship after matric or fsc .
Me to
You should visit altaf travelor YouTube channel he help you
after 12th grade
I’m in class 9 and in future I wanted to be fashion designer can I have the scholarship
Hello I wanna to study mbbs is there any chance?
I just turned 26 am i eligible for the scholarship?
You can apply for masters if you are interested
I want to explore South Korea by higher studies , which can lead me in commerce stream and i graduating in2024 in bcom, so I hope you guide me , thanking you
So u want to get post graduation actually I am also trying to apply for post graduation but idk how to as they are showing undergraduation application and no information of MBA and categories they provide in masters.
Hi, same here I will complete bcom hons in 2024 and want to do MBA from Korea any idea how to apply for that and which University offers it.
Those 25 years old above can still apply for this program?
[…] GKS Scholarship 2024 fields of study […]
Hey, I am in 11th now started to prepare for my future!!!! I want to get into architecture course so how is it possible for me to get into architecture uni by getting a scholarship plz reply asoon as possible
I am currently studying CA under ICAN. Can i continue studying CA in Korea?
Can i studied in 11th science for mbbs in Korea busan ??
Can I study for 11th science for mbbs in Korea busan
Can u tell me course for commerce students..?
Can u tell me course / field for commerce students..?
I too want to know as I want to apply for Post Graduation and idk how too because here they are saying undergraduation application.
12th result is not announced yet …. how can i apply?
hey I’ll give my 12 board next year . Can i apply for this scholarship
Hi i wont to study korea
I want to study in Korean how can I apply
Are u trying to apply for undergraduation or Post Graduation.
I wamt to study MBBS. Is there MBBS available or not?
Hey I want to study
I learn Korean language because my dream one k pop idol I don’t know Korean language
Can I get the hotel management course in Korea
Same here I want to get my MBA from korea how am I supposed to apply for post graduation.
I want to study in korea plz give me accurate guidance about it
I would like to study in korea
Is the scholarship available for Gambians
I have a degree in pharmacy and I am 39 years old, am I eligible?
How to apply for it as a undergraduate please tell me
I am pratima sarkar
Now I read in class 8th
I want to be a doctor
And I really want to study in south korea because there are everything what students need..
In future I really need this scholarship for my study’s in south korea …
Can someone plz guide me about this
I want to study for an MBBS is there any chance of Scholarships
I am a science student, can I study pharmacy through the GKS???
When will master admissions open?
I am a science student . In which field i can apply in korea please guide me am from Pakistan.
Is GKS scholarship is available for mbbs
Hello is GKS scholarship is available for mbbs
does every university provides us dorm and will we have to pay the rent of it?
How to apply September 2024 application for undergraduate I want to study in Korean but I lost embassy track for year 2024?
I wanted to become an IT engineer…..can I apply from fiji?
Is there any mbbs program with gks ?? Please do let me know it’s urgent.!!
I want to get Post Graduation from korea how am i supposed to apply for post graduation anyone would help me here
[…] Read More: Fields of Study For GKS 2024 Undergraduate […]
I’m in 11th class can I still get the scholarship
I’m interested i need someone to assist me well in it
Hello, hope that everyone is doing well
I just wanted to ask about the scholarship…can I apply in 1st year?
And please guide me about the process kindly..I’m from Pakistan.
Thanks a lot
Hey Sania is here
When do I apply for an undergraduate program?
Plz tell me about type A and type B what are these
Can anyone pleaaaasssseee tell me if gks offer MBBS ….. I wanna apply for that and if it does than in which countries I can apply for and what should be percentage???
yes it offers and i think u should choose Seoul National UNiversity of science and technology for MBBS
Hello, I plan on applying for the GSK scholarship application starting in September for 2025, and I want to study medicine and surgery in the SNU college of medicine, how possible is that, and what route should i take, University or Embassy?
Thank you.
I am study in Korea for engineering
I can get gks schorship apply for program bse
Can be apply for document
Please tell me about course
More details on courses to be study ad languages
Hello ?
Everyone! I hope you will be fine and will be enjoying your life anyone can help me are guide me for new admission in Korea IELTS is required how we can apply for a bachelor degree after intermediate
Hello ?
Everyone! I hope you will be fine and will be enjoying your life anyone can help me are guide me for new admission in Korea IELTS is required how we can apply for a bachelor degree after intermediate
I want to ask GKS allowed mass communication and journalism studies?