The National Institute for International Education Development (NIIED) has recently released the application guidelines for the GKS 2023 i.e 2023 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Degrees. The program aims to offer 1300 scholarships to international students from across the globe who wish to pursue either a Master’s or Doctoral degree in Korea.
2023 Global Korea Scholarship – Application Guidelines for Graduate Degrees
1. Program’s Objectives
The primary objective of the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) is to provide international students with an opportunity to study at higher educational institutions in Korea and obtain academic degrees. This program seeks to deepen mutual friendship between Korea and participating countries while enhancing international education exchange.
It is worth noting that the Korean Government Scholarship Programs have been rebranded as the Global Korea Scholarship since 2010. As a result, the name has changed to GKS.
2. Programs and University
GKS 2023 i.e Global Korea Scholarship 2023 is not only offered for both Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree but also for research programs.

Application Track for GSK 2023
This year, a total of 1,300 students will be invited to Korea to study under Global Korea Scholarship.
Since there are two tracks to apply for the GKS Scholarship, here is the quota reserved for each track.
Embassy Track = 650 Students
University Track = 650 Students

3. Quota Assigned by Country
3-1) Quota for Embassy Track
1) General: 610 Scholars from 139 countries
GKS 2023 quota for Pakistan via Embassy Track = 5
GKS 2023 quota for India via Embassy Track = 22
GKS 2023 quota for Indonesia via Embassy Track = 27

2) Overseas Korean: 20 Scholars from 12 Countries

3) Teaching Professionals: 15 Scholars from 139 Countries
*Applications available from all 139 invited countries and regions
4) Research: 5 scholars from 139 countries or regions
*Applications available from all 139 invited countries and regions
3-2) Quota for University Track
1) General: 360 scholars from 53 countries or regions
2) Regional University: 220 scholars from 44 countries or regions
GKS 2023 quota for Pakistan via University Track = 7
GKS 2023 quota for India via University Track = 25
GKS 2023 quota for Indonesia via University Track = 42

3) R&D: 60 scholars from all countries around the world
* No limit on the number of invited countries (available to all countries around the world)

4) Research: 10 scholars from 65 countries or regions
* Applications available to 65 countries or regions where General program and Regional University program are offered
4) Available Fields of Study and Universities
? Available Fields of Study
– Applicants can only apply to the universities and departments that are listed in the “University Information? file attached under the GKS Notice post in Study in Korea website. ( > Scholarships > GKS Notice)
– Academic programs offered during evenings (night school), short-term programs, online and distant-learning programs are not applicable in this scholarship program.
List of available universities:

5. Scholarship Information & Benefits
Scholarship Period
? Master’s Degree Program: 3 years
– 1 year of Korean language program + 2 years of degree program
?Doctoral Degree Program: 4 years
– 1 year of Korean language program + 3 years of degree program
? Research Program: 6 months or 1 year
Important Notes regarding Scholarship Period
– Research program scholars and scholars who obtained TOPIK level 5 or 6 will be exempt from a Korean language program
– Those who receive TOPIK level 5 or 6 within the first 6 months of the Korean language program will be exempt from the remaining 6-month language program and must start their degree program in the following semester (March 2024)

5) Eligibility to apply for GKS 2023
The eligibility criteria for the Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) program for Graduate Degrees are as follows:
- Applicants must be citizens of countries that have been designated by the National Institute for International Education Development (NIIED) to participate in the GKS program.
- The applicant’s parents or legal guardians must hold citizenship from a country other than Korea. If the applicant or their parent has dual citizenship, including Korean citizenship and citizenship of another country, they are not eligible to apply.
- Applicants and their parents who had previously held Korean citizenship must submit documentation issued by the Korean government that proves their renunciation of Korean citizenship.
- If an applicant’s citizenship changes during the selection process, they will be excluded from the evaluation, except for the Research and Development (R&D) program.
- Overseas Korean applicants holding Japanese citizenship are eligible to apply if their parents hold permanent residency permits in Japan while holding Korean citizenship.
- Applicants from all countries can apply to the R&D program.
Degree Requirements:
- Master’s Program Applicant: Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree or have an educational level equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s degree.
- Doctoral Program Applicant: Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or have an educational level equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree.
- Research Program Applicant: Applicants must have received an invitation from one of the partner universities and meet the following criteria:
- Postdoctoral Research Program: Applicants must hold a Doctoral degree by February 28, 2023.
- Professor Exchange Program: Applicants must hold a Master’s degree and must currently be teaching at a university as a professor.
- Program for Education, Science, Culture, International Cooperation Professionals: Applicants must hold a Master’s degree and must be a professional in the field of Education, Science, Culture, or International Cooperation. ? Applicants must have obtained the required degree (minimum level of education indicated above) by February 28, 2023.
In summary, to be eligible for the GKS program, applicants must be citizens of designated countries, hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or equivalent, and meet specific requirements depending on the type of program they apply for. Dual citizens holding Korean citizenship are not eligible, and applicants whose citizenship changes during the selection process will be excluded, except for the R&D program.
? Applicants must have obtained the required degree (minimum level of education indicated above) by February 28, 2023.

To be eligible for the GKS program, applicants must have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) that meets at least one of the following conditions:
- For doctoral degree program applicants, the CGPA of their previous degree program, which would be a master’s degree program for example, must be higher than 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, or 3.23/5.0.
- Applicants must also have a score percentile of 80% or higher on a 100-point scale or be ranked within the top 20% of their class.
- Applicants must submit an academic transcript that shows their CGPA or ranking information.
- If an applicant’s transcript does not provide CGPA in any of the accepted GPA scales (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0, or 100 point scale), they must submit a transcript converted into one of the above GPA scales as a supplementary document.
Applicants must be under 40 years of age, born after September 1, 1983, to be eligible for the GKS program. However, academic professors in one of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients who are under 45 years of age, born after September 1, 1978, can apply.
All applicants must be in good health, both mentally and physically, to study in Korea for the entire duration of the program.
Note: The previous degree program for a doctoral degree program applicant is a master’s degree program.
6) Documents to submit for GKS 2023

6. Selection Procedure and Schedule for GKS 2023

GKS Scholarship for Pakistan 2023
GKS Scholarship 2023 for Pakistan – Click Here
GKS Scholarship for India 2023
GKS Scholarship 2023 for India – Click Here
Visit the link below for the official notice announced on the StudyinKorea website
You can download the important documents by clicking the following links:
- GKS Scholarship 2023 Graduate
- GKS Scholarship 2023 Graduate Degree Application Form
- FAQ 2023 GKS Graduate Degree program
To find out how to apply for the Global Korea Scholarship 2023 for the undergraduate degree, click here.
We wish you the best of luck and hope to see you in South Korea one day.
233 replies on “Global Korea Scholarship GKS 2023 – Graduate”
Last date?
I pass 12th and my age is just 17 can I apply for this
This is for the masters degree program and/or doctoral program. I belive you need a bachelor’s degree first.
Please am 17+ can l see the offer
Is this for 14-16 years?
13 A 16
13 A 16
Interested please let us know the closing date..
I want get admission MBBS in schorship
can’t we just directly apply after fsc medical for docotral diploma?
You cant even apply for masters program on fsc
In Pakistan university year ends in june we have to wait for next February to apply it would waste our time can’t we just apply in our last semester?
Untill commencement of classes we would graduate
I have CGPA 3.00/4.00 .But it is not 80% .am i eligible?
I want to study in Korea for doctoral degree I’m complete my FSC PRE MEDICAL
I really want to study in ?? for doctoral degree I’m complete diploma
you can contact me on my Instagram:
may can i help u?
Please,Do you offer PhD criminology?
Only graduate students can apply
I want to study in korea for MBA in human resource management. And i will be graduating in may 2023.So, how can i apply for gks scholarship?? Please guide me..
Mee.. Too… I dont know either.. Please let me know if you got that answer
I think you would have to apply in 2025 instead. You will need a copy of your degree when applying.
Come on.
Doctoral degree means PHD.
I want to study in Korea for my doctor degree
i know it is late for the reply but it not that doctoral degree you must have a masters degree to apply for it
I want to study in korea for MBA in human resource management. And i will be graduating in may 2023
Same here , is there any any response?
Same please guide
Last date ? How can i apply.?
I want to study computer science in korea.. I’ll complete my fsc pre-engineering this year…
I want to study in Korea to make my career but I’m in 11th so there is 11th schoolarship
Same I,m also in 11th grade studying FSC.Pre Medical I want to study in korea. Is there any Scolarship for Collage?
Same here ?
Same but the problem is I’m in 6th grade
Same I,m also in 11th grade studying FSC.Pre Medical I want to study in korea. Is there any Scholarship for Collage?
Can 12thies apply for this scholarship?
I want to apply for class 11th…can I??
Same here
I want to study fashion desing i recently complete My garduate in political science ..Can i apply for fashion desing
Yes, u can.
I am interesting
I want to do a degree in interior design can someone tell me which universities are good option as in the form I have to mention 3
I want to study in Korea this feb i will finish my 11th so please i really want go to Korea for study
Do they offer masters in desgin specialization? and what are the specialization scan anybody tell me
I wanna go Korea for study of dermatology.
I have have graduated in sociology from Pakistan and I’m interested master in sociology in your university.
I want to study in Korea right now I’m in 8 till 3 March my final exam will be over and I really want to study rest there
i want to apply for undergraduate programs are admissions are still open?
And now my hope is in my god
I want to apply
I want to study in Korea for “BTECH”.
Same I,m also in 11th grade studying FSC.Pre Medical I want to study in korea. Is there any Scholarship for Collage?
I want to study in Korea to become successful
I Need Admission
I want to study in Korea b/c I want proud my Parents that’s why I study in Korea for fashion designer ..
I also want to study …
I also wanna study med I wish there is an chance for me aswell…
Is there any type of stipend provided along with scholarship and about part time jobs?
I have interest on this
I need this scholarship because I belong from a middle class family and I live in a village and My family can’t afford My education expenses but I want to fulfill my dreams please give me one chance please.
I wanna study in Korea. I wanna become a software developer. I hope , fulfill my dreams in Korean university.
Hey my name is smriti sneha ekka I am in class 9th and I’m from India
My name is Smriti Sneha Ekka .
I want to study in Korea.
I’m first year student of pre engineering I want to study in Korea for master’s degree
I want to apply…. because I really wanted to study in Korea
I hope to study fashion designing and marketing masters in korea
From whom should I get a recommendation letter if I graduated from bachelor’s degree 10 years ago and currently employed?
I want to study in korea . Undergraduate after inter
I want to study in korea but right now I am studying my bachelor’s of arts 1st year can I apply for this scholarship after My bachelor
Iam interested
I want to study in Korea for 11 grade how can I apply
Interested in doing Doctoral
Where will be the date to undergraduate GKS program
I really want to study in Korea it’s my dream ?
I want to study in korea to make my career bu I’m in 11th so but there is any 11th scholarship
I want to study in korea to make my career but I’m in 11th so there is any 11th scholarship
What’s the deadline?
Thank you for this opportunity.
I am an undergraduate student and I want to study korean as a language exchange.
Thank you.
When is deadline and how old do I have to be?
How I apply for GKS scholarship anyone say me
i would like to apply, how can i apply
Thank you sir
I want to study in Korea To make my career. I wanna become a doctor. It is my dream.
Last date? Is there any Scholarship for Arts student I’ve done my B.A/ A.D (in general). Plus I can speak Korean but not good at it. Currently I’m working in a medical billing company. I start my journey when i was 16 years old . Please guide me.
Hi there , I want to go to Korea myself so that my mother can brighten the name of my parents and mother studies in 8th class.
Hi there , I want to go to Korea myself so that my mother can brighten the name of my parents and mother studies in 8th class.
Please I want to study in Korea
I want work in korea
How I can apply
I want to apply for pharmd (bachelors program)
Interested in Masters degree
I am interested. It is my owner to represent my country and study in Korea
I want to study in Korea media
Thank you for this good opportunity.
I’m interested in teaching English language via classroom and online and would love to further my academic level. Am i eligible?
How to apply bro
Hello Sir , I am undergraduate student
In 2023 I am in class 12th ..I want to prepare for becoming a doctor so How can I get the scholarship and get free education in korea
Hi, I want to be a digital marketer and graphic designer.
I complete my fsc pre medical
Can you help me how to get this scholarship.
It gonna be great if I’ll get it
I’ll be glad if you help me to get this scholarship in order to complete my study ?
I want to study in South Korea i wanna PhD in English literature
I’m from Pakistan and I want to study in Korean for bachelor in medical laboratory.
I want to study in korea
1 want to apply for M Phill in Human nutrition and diettician available?
I wanna apply for this program
I want to study in South Korea. I’ll be glad if you help me regarding this.
I want to study in Korea for my MS.
I want to study Post basic BSC Nursing is it available?
Hello Sir , I am undergraduate student
In 2023 I am in class 12th ..I want to prepare for becoming a doctor so How can I get the scholarship and get free education in korea
I would like to apply for this please
Interested to study in korea ??
I want to apply for Master’s Degree in Korea
Is available for school students
I want to study in Korea because I want to show my family that I’m able to earn money and spend on them
I wanna do something which make me to live in South Korea
Hi…Sir I’m in 12nd year grade studying computer science…how can I goto Korea from Pakistan for studies?
Me b interested hu koi help kr skty
I just want to know that I’m currently (Feb 2023) in class 12th and from India . Can’t I be eligible for this ?
I am glad that your helping me to achieve my dreams ? please help me to i had scholarship thanks???????
How can I apply?
How to apply for masters degree ?
Need field on teaching Education
I have completed my master’s degree in I’m intrested to continue my study in Korea. I want to do Doctarate degree.. Can you help me out????
How to apply and what are the requirements???
Please help me.
I want to apply for class 10th…
I want to apply for class 10th…
Please can I ??
Is there any bachelor degree scholarship in Korea??
Hi, i would like to know that if there is scholarship for Masters degree in Microbiology dept.?
I want to apply for BBA
I want to apply for fsc_1 medical
Can i ?
How can I apply for master degree in zoology
I want to apply for fsc_1 medical
Can i ?
I’m a BCOM graduate
I want to apply for my masters
How can i apply??
I am currently studying for my bsc
I really want to go for masters in Korea tho
I really want to study in Korea for several reasons, including my love for the country and my desire to excel in my studies. My dream ?
I do not see here information about the deadline, until what date you can apply.
And what about non graduate?
Can we apply after 10th or 12th ?
Before college?
It is very intersting
I am volunteer to participate
I am now in 12 grade study as pre engineering.I want to study in Korea. Is there is any chance that we can study in Korea??
I want to apply on Agricultural Entomology
Am graduated as a fashion and textile designer an I have a master degree diploma in it I want an art section or product design section phd scholarship can you help me
I’m interested
I’m interested and I’m very thankful for this opportunity, I’m confident in my English and the communication skills in English
I want to apply for masters degree
Am Nigerian a 400l student medical laboratory science can i apply
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I have level 6 diploma and want to study further.
I don’t really know where to start from cause am confused a friend of mine gave me this link that I could apply for a scholarships but am not a graduate nor do I have a leaving school certificate am I able to apply then? Please! someone give me an answer am lost thank you.
I want to apply for pharmacy how do I go about it
[…] GKS Scholarship 2023, a total of 1300 applicants will be selected, half via the Embassy Track and the other half via […]
I am wanna apply for language year
Hi. How are you. Thank you
i also want to apply
I want to study in Korea on MBA
Thank you for sharing this article with me. It helped me a lot and I love it.
May I have information on the topic of your article?
May I request more information on the subject? All of your articles are extremely useful to me. Thank you!
I want to thank you for your assistance and this post. It’s been great.
I really appreciate your help
Thank you for writing this article. I appreciate the subject too.
I want to study in Korea
I would love to do my masters degree in Korea..iam interested.
Allow us to apply in last semester because our year ends in june it would waste our time if we wait for next February to complete our degree
Plzzzz allow us to apply in last semester or extend the date
I passed out my 12th examination last year
How can I apply for this scholarship.
I am so excited to study in Korea
I want to become a software engineer
Can you notify me whate can I fill the form
For it .
Good Day.. My name is Claire, I’ve downloaded the Application form.. I’m applying for Masters
What next??
Can someone help me out
Hey , how to apply
when will this scholarship be available to Ghanaian medical students
Im an undergraduate laboratory scientist
how can i apply for 2023 or 2024 scholarship
I want to study in Korea for doctoral degree. But I’m 50 year old… I have been teaching Russian as a foreign language for 14 years. And have Russian and Turkish Citizenship.
I just finished my secondary school can I apply for gks?
Hello. I am in Korea and I have a G1 visa. can i apply for a scholarship?
I would like to study nursing
I want to study My Doctoral degree in Mathematics. Interesting!
how can we apply?
Can i change my feild to finance to entrepreneurship after i get gks scholarship
What is the procedure for applying scholarship??
Please how can I apply ??
[…] More details: How to apply for GKS Scholarship […]
I am from Egypt and gonna finish my 2nd year in university
Can I apply for this or not ?
And if I can how to do that?
I’ve just complete my 12th. Can I also apply?
Are +2 completed students allowed for this scholarship to get graduated
I’m in bsc.1st year
Can I apply??
Help me to apply
I want to go korea for study
I want to apply for this but I’m doing my last year of under graduation program. I finished my exam just few days ago. So can I apply for master’s program?
I want to study in south Korea because I from Afghanistan and in this country girls can’t study. I really need to south Korea free scholarship. 9th class student can have a scholarship in south Korea.
I want to study in south Korea because I from Afghanistan and in this country girls can’t study. I really need to south Korea free scholarship. 9th class student can have a scholarship in south Korea.
How can I apply
How many subjects and which subjects are available for masters ….IS HND available for masters Plzz tell me
I am complete bachelor degree and I want to go for higher studies
I want to study in south korea because korea very attractive place . my dream is living in seul and studying Seul nationality university
how to apply… it is not availible to register..
I finished medical univercity and want to go to korea to master.. please can you help me with this
hey! hope u are doing fine.
I have a question regarding my bachelor’s degree/diploma.
Can i submit a transcript of my bachelor’s rather the diploma or certificate because it may be not issued to me right after my graduation ?
Where should you submit the application form?
Hi I’m also apply this
I need Bachelor of digital marketing
I want to go korea for study!
Please say how can i apply..
How can I apply?
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How many people do you receive in Turkmenistan?
When is the application procedure and when is the deadline, which files are needed for the application form?
Do they offer Msc in Data science in any of the universities
Me interesa saber cuándo se abre la convocatoria para optar a becas de maestría en Korea para el año 2024. Gracias!
I complete fsc.i want to get admission in corea. MBBS or b’s can I apply.scholarship
Students from Afghanistan can apply for this scholarship.
Hi, I have a master’s degree. If I want to apply for a master’s degree, is the last degree I have to submit the same as a master’s degree? With my conditions, is the average of the master’s degree important or the bachelor’s degree?
Is it available now? If yes, what’s the last date?
Guys i have completed degree in the year 2021 so from then onwards i wanted to do MBA in SK I’m trying to apply for scholarship but don’t know how there are so many links but I didn’t went as I wanted i wasn’t able to apply… can anyone let me know how to apply atleast in 2024 i need to get there to achieve my dream
Hi, I’m 12 year student from sri lanka. Are their any degree according to music field.
But why are you not offering
Bsc program
Hi Myself muskan hemnani from mithi tharparkar and I’m 14 years old at any degree for doctors pls guide me more
may God give me this opportunity
l want your scholarship, please consider me as your applicant. Thanks.
Will I be able to register for scholarship if my degree is late to arrive?
Intrested please reply me back
HI! I am newly graduate student i have original transcript but don’t have degree can i apply for GKS scholership?
Thanks to the government for providing this educational opportunity and to the dedicated workers in the field.Additional evidence is available in PDF format.Where does the opportunity come from?
I am from india
I am in last year of graduation
Our semester 6 is ongoing
How can I applied to this for my masters
I want to study in Korea, I’m from Nigeria and I want to finish my high school in Korea,
I want to get this scholarship….i am in need of it because i have always had dream to study in korean college/university…i will make sure to study good and please give me an opportunity to study in korean university, i had always dreamed to study in any korean university at seoul ,its not because i want to meet kpop or actors but its that i want to study at korean higher college or university..i had got 85 percentage at my secondary school…i don’t know that i am eligible or not but please give me a chance i will do my level best to study hard and will also learn korean laguage after coming there and want to explore new things in korea
This is my email please contact or mail me at
[email protected]
I m from Bhutan. Can I also apply for the scholarship for sep intake can someone help me
I want to study medicine and surgery in Korean, how can I apply
I ready to take in
How I apply
Please I want to apply hot undergraduate course 2025
Fully fundec